Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to "Getting Over Your Fears of Being On-Camera"

    • Welcome & Overview

  • 2

    Gaining Clarity on Your Fears

    • Gaining Clarity on Your Fears

  • 3

    Getting Grounded in Your Purpose

    • Getting Grounded in Your Purpose

  • 4

    Using Preparation to Eliminate Unknowns

    • Using Preparation to Eliminate Unknowns

  • 5

    Improving On-Camera Presence & Delivery

    • Improving On-Camera Presence & Delivery

  • 6

    Acknowledging Progress Along Your Journey

    • Acknowledging Progress Along Your Journey

  • 7

    Final Wrap-Up & Next Steps

    • Final Wrap-Up & Next Steps

  • 8

    All Downloads & PDFs

    • Gaining Clarity On Your Fears Exercise (PDF Download)

    • Getting Grounded In Your Purpose Exercise (PDF Download)

    • Using Preparation to Eliminate Unknowns Exercise (PDF Download)

    • Tips for Improving On-Camera Presence & Delivery (PDF Download)

    • Assessment for Acknowledging Progress Along Your Journey (PDF Download)

    • Summary of 5 Key Areas to Help You Move Past On-Camera Fears (PDF Download)

  • 9


    • Congratulations & What's Next...